We are Canada’s first Indigenous rocket design team, competing annually in the NASA First Nations Launch competition. In 2023, we placed first overall and were named International Champions! Our prize package included a VIP trip to Kennedy Space Center, where we were present for the launch of Crew-7 to the International Space Station aboard a Space X Falcon 9 rocket.

We look forward to another exciting year of rocketry design. This year our team has 21 members, all of them Indigenous students from engineering and science programs at Queen’s University. We will be travelling in late April 2025 to compete in First Nations Launch.

Find out more about our 2024-25 team and how to support us!

Thank you to all who made our participation in First Nations Launch 2024 possible, it was truly an experience that will last a lifetime. See our Past Teams page for details!

This team project is undertaken with the financial support of the Canadian Space Agency

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors!



